I woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. I don't believe it's snowed like this since the Blizzard of '93! Wow and that was almost 14 years ago! I must say it's quiet beautiful and it's nice to have an extra day off, but I really don't want to be out of work all week. We only have one more day then we will have to add on days to the end of the school year and that will not be fun!
This past week was our first week back at school from Christmas break. I absolutely love my job! Going into work every morning and knowing you have the opportunity to teach and reach out to these children is so heart warming. I pray every morning God gives me the knowledge and guidance I need to teach and love these kids while they are in my care.
Next year the school system is restructuring so the Pre-K will be moving into the elementary schools. Four classes will be going to City Park and three classes will be going to Ingleside. We all have been anticpating for a long time this happening, then have been anxiously waiting to see where we are placed. I have prayed God's will be done and I would be where He wants me to be. Granted my wishes were to be at City Park, however, God's plans aren't always my plans! After many months of waiting we found out this week! Things still could possibly change but as of now I am going to City Park! Needless to say I was very excited and first thing I did was THANK GOD! There are still many changes to come and still lots of prayers needed for the upcoming restructuring. Change is hard, but change can be good!
In other news.... Jennifer and I are beginning our second semester of graduate school! It was actually suppose to begin tonight, but because of snow our night class was cancelled. Yet, we do have an online class, and snow can't cancel online classes :) I'm looking forward to the classes we are taking this semester because I feel I will really be able to apply them in my classroom as I am doing them. Yet, there is going to be a lot of work for class, along with doing work and packing for our big move to the schools! So this is going to be a busy busy time of year.
I can't complain. God has blessed me more than I deserve and I am so thankful.
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